Frequently Asked Questions:


What is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction?

In 1979, at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Jon Kabat-Zinn realized there was something missing between patients and success with their medical treatments. He created this 8 week program to provide an opportunity for patients to engage in their own health and wellness. MBSR is participatory medicine, this means it is a complement to medical treatments. “From the perspective of mind-body medicine, mental and emotional factors, the ways in which we think and behave, can have a significant effect, for better or for worse, on our physical health and our capacity to recover from illness and injury and lead lives of high quality and satisfaction, even in the face of chronic disease, chronic pain conditions, and endemically stressful lifestyles.” (Full Catastrophe Living, Page, xlvii.)

Is prior meditation experience required?

No prior experience is required for as long as you are breathing, you are doing it right! This class is ideal for beginners and the more advanced meditators.

What can I expect over the 9 weeks?

We will discuss formal and informal practices within the coursework. You may find the home practice to be a welcome reprieve from the daily grind. Of course, your stress reduction is the number one priority and exploring why you did not dedicate yourself to 45 minutes of mindfulness each day is part of the practice. This awareness is mindfulness!

How much time am I expected to commit to this course?

We will meet 9 times in 8 weeks over the Zoom platform. Once a week for 2.5 hours and one 4 hour retreat. To receive the full benefit of the program, you are expected to practice mindfulness for 45 minutes each day over the 8 weeks. Keeping busy schedules in mind, we will have 12 weeks to complete the 9-week course. It is not recommended to skip a week, but hey, the unexpected happens!

How many absences can I have?

To receive the full benefits of the course, we recommend a maximum of 2 absences. If you know you may not be able to attend all 9 sessions, you may be able to make up that class by rescheduling on another day that same week. However, your presence and participation is important and appreciated in each session.

How should I prepare my household for this course?

It may seem big to ask those in your household for support and a quiet space while you practice. It is truly a gift when you are given the time and space for personal exploration. If you are comfortable, invite them into participating in your daily home practice, the formal or informal practices. However, during our class time, please keep your space private to ensure confidentiality. If you are in a room where others can overhear your device, please wear earbuds or headphones.

Does this course qualify me for a Teacher Training Program?

Yes, this course is qualified under the UCSD Center for Mindfulness if there are a minimum of ten other students enrolled. After the program, you will receive a certificate of completion and you can enroll in a teacher training program.